Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Semarang - Lawang Sewu

Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin, on May I have a chance to go around Semarang city. Even though I did not go around all of the area, I visit some famous areas in Semarang. If I hear Semarang city, directly I think a Dutch inheritance old building near from Tugu Muda in Pemuda street. It is Lawang Sewu.

 side view of building
Lawang Sewu is mean a thousand doors in Javanese. Yes, right! There are many doors. They are still sturdy for long time ago until now. I ever ask to the guide “actually, how much the door is?” and he says, “everyone has a different opinion, more than a thousand or less than a thousand”. 
 looks like a mirror

are you can count the number of doors?

By the way, to enter to Lawang Sewu, we buy at the price of ticket ten thousand rupiahs per head. A guide must guide us, do not be alone. The price of rent guide is thirty thousand rupiahs. Since we enter to the first floor, the guide tells me how the function of this building is previously. This building is post office for long time ago. Wow! What wide post office is?
Many people say that Lawang Sewu is creeps building and there is ghost. Owh yah??? Maybe their opinion because the old building atmosphere which no inhabitant there. Lowest floor is the underground prison and had little ventilation. Maybe, so many people died in the prison. When I take the picture, I feel afraid. I think behind me there is narcism someone but Alhamdulillah no one there hehehe.
 between first and second floors

 The guide says that Ayat-ayat Cinta movie takes shooting in this building, but so pity I am because that building is undercontruction so not all of visitor enters.
 when I get there, the building was still undercontruction

So, do you ever go to Lawang Sewu?

2 komentar:

  1. waaaaw amazing...
    tapi klo diliat2 si emng serem kok bangunannya.
    nanti aku mau maen kelwang sewu ahhh...
